Thrombus Formation
This section introduces haemostasis, the coagulation cascade, venous and arterial thrombi and thrombus formation
In this section:
How thrombi develop
- A thrombus can block the flow of blood through a vein or artery
- If it detaches from the vessel wall and lodges in the lungs or other vital organs, it can become a life-threatening embolus1,2
- The coagulation system depends on a delicate balance between:
- Natural coagulant and anticoagulant factors
- The coagulation and fibrinolytic system
- A pathological thrombus forms when there is an imbalance in the blood coagulation system leading to a number of serious health conditions, including heart attacks and cardioembolic stroke in patients with AF, and VTE1,3,4
- VTE can manifest as DVT and/or PE – two distinct but related aspects of the same disease
Virchow's triad
- Over 150 years ago, the German pathologist Rudolph Virchow postulated that thrombus formation and propagation resulted from abnormalities in three key areas:
- Blood flow
- The vessel wall
- Blood components
- These three factors are known as Virchow’s triad5
- The features of Virchow’s triad have now been further refined:6,7
- Circulatory stasis – abnormalities of haemorheology and turbulence at vessel bifurcations and stenotic regions
- Vascular wall injury – abnormalities in the endothelium, such as atherosclerosis and associated vascular inflammation
- Hypercoagulable state – abnormalities in coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways and in platelet function associated with an increased risk of VTE and other cardiovascular diseases (including CAD and heart failure, and stroke in patients with AF)7

Virchow’s Triad – the pathologist Rudolph Virchow was the first to describe the three main factors that predispose to thrombosis
Types of thrombi
- Two different types of thrombus can form, which differ in composition and appearance:8
- Arterial thrombus – typically composed of platelet aggregates (white thrombus)
- Venous thrombus – largely consists of fibrin and red blood cells (red thrombus)
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