Acute Coronary Syndrome
This section introduces ACS and covers the diagnosis of the condition
In this section:
ACS: a leading cause of morbidity and mortality
Coronary heart disease is the most common cause of death in the US and Europe,1,2 with ACS being a frequent complication of this disease.
ACS is an umbrella term encompassing the following clinical disorders:3
- UA
It is estimated that an MI, commonly referred to as a heart attack, occurs every 40 seconds in the US, with 14% of these occurrences resulting in death.4
Most cases of ACS are caused by the erosion or rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque, a thickening of the vessel wall in a coronary artery.5
Plaque rupture results in exposure of the contents of the atherosclerotic plaque and subendothelial fibres to the blood, leading to:3,5,6
- Thrombus formation
- Platelet activation and adherence to subendothelial structures; aggregation of additional platelets causes the thrombus to grow
- Activation of the coagulation cascade, resulting in the production of thrombin, which stimulates further platelet recruitment and aggregation. Thrombin also catalyses the generation of fibrin, which forms the main protein component of the thrombus
The thrombus restricts the flow of blood to the heart. A prolonged lack of blood supply resulting in necrosis (death) of heart muscle tissue is defined as an MI.3 The degree of arterial blockage caused by the thrombus determines the amount of myocardial damage that occurs and the type (and severity) of ACS that results:3,7
- UA – partial/intermittent occlusion, no myocardial damage
- NSTEMI – partial/intermittent occlusion, myocardial damage
- STEMI – complete occlusion, myocardial damage

Coronary artery with thin muscular media and prominent intimal hyperplasia with calcification. Lumen obstructed by thrombus (arrow)

Cardiac muscle damage in ACS. An area of cardiac muscle damage due to acute occlusion in a coronary artery that delivers blood to that area
Diagnosis of ACS
Patients with ACS typically present with acute chest pain. The main methods used to confirm a diagnosis of ACS and to distinguish between the three types of ACS are as follows:8
ECG: UA and NSTEMI are associated with ST depression/transient elevation and/or T-wave changes; persistent ST elevation is characteristic of STEMI
- Cardiac troponins: Troponin levels are sensitive markers of myocardial injury; elevated troponin levels as a result of myocardial damage can be used to distinguish UA from NSTEMI

Illustration of normal ECG and ECGs showing STEMI and NSTEMI

Diagnosing the spectrum of ACS8
- Wilkins WE, Wickramasinghe K, Bhatnagar P et al. European cardiovascular disease statistics 2017. Brussels: European Heart Network. 2017. Available at: [accessed 19 December 2017]. Wilkins WE, Wickramasinghe K, Bhatnagar P et al. European cardiovascular disease statistics 2017. Brussels: European Heart Network. 2017. Available at: [accessed 19 December 2017]. Return to content
- Murphy SL, Xu JQ, D. KK et al. Deaths: Final data for 2015. DHHS No. 2018-1120. National Vital Statistics Reports. 2017. Available at: [accessed 4 September 2018]. Murphy SL, Xu JQ, D. KK et al. Deaths: Final data for 2015. DHHS No. 2018-1120. National Vital Statistics Reports. 2017. Available at: [accessed 4 September 2018]. Return to content
- Overbaugh KJ. Acute coronary syndrome. Am J Nurs 2009;109:42–52. Return to content
- Benjamin EJ, Virani SS, Callaway CW et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics-2018 update: a report From the American Heart Association. Circulation 2018;137:e67–e492. Benjamin EJ, Virani SS, Callaway CW et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics-2018 update: a report From the American Heart Association. Circulation 2018;137:e67–e492. Return to content
- Mackman N. Triggers, targets and treatments for thrombosis. Nature 2008;451:914–918. Mackman N. Triggers, targets and treatments for thrombosis. Nature 2008;451:914–918. Return to content
- Hansson GK. Inflammation, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med 2005;352:1685–1695. Return to content
- Grech ED, Ramsdale DR. Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Br Med J 2003;326:1259–1261. Return to content
- Roffi M, et al. Eur Heart J. 2016;37:267-315. Return to content