Arterial Thrombosis
This section focuses on the role of atherosclerosis in the formation of arterial thrombi and discusses their risk factors, epidemiology and associated complications
In this section:
Arterial Thrombosis Explained
Video to explain the mode of action of arterial thrombosis. Play this video to get an overview about arterial thrombosis.
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Arterial thrombi
- When a thrombus forms within an artery, this is known as an arterial thrombosis
- Clot formation is typically triggered by the rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque, a highly thrombogenic event, with platelets rapidly recruited to the site
- The fibrin content of the clot slowly increases as the thrombus extends into the arterial lumen
- Thus, an arterial thrombus is typically platelet-rich, fast growing, and exposed to fast blood flow1,2
- AF-related thrombi are also categorized as arterial clots, but more closely resemble ‘venous-type’ clots, fulfilling Virchow’s triad for thrombogenesis
- AF-related thrombi form in low-flow, low-pressure environments, producing slow-growing, fibrin-rich clots2
Risk factors
- Important risk factors for arterial thrombosis include:3
- Smoking
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- Increased levels of cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Increasing age
- Family history
- Physical inactivity
- Increased concentrations of blood coagulation factors
- Blood serum lipid abnormalities
Incidence and prevalence
- Atherosclerotic lesions develop throughout the arterial system and, depending on the vascular bed most affected, disease can manifest as CAD, PAD or cerebrovascular disease
- CAD is the most commonly diagnosed form of cardiovascular disease, in which atherosclerosis damages the coronary artery wall predisposing to thrombus formation
- The symptoms and severity of ACS (unstable angina and MI) vary depending on the degree to which thrombi occlude the coronary arteries4
- The incidence and prevalence of the clinical manifestations of arterial thrombosis are high
- In 2016, CAD and peripheral vascular disease made up 3.8% of all cases of disease and injuries captured by the Global Burden of Disease study and 58.3% of all CV disease5
- Over 9% of respondents to the European Social Survey (2014) reported heart or circulation problems6
- CAD and stroke are the leading causes of death worldwide, accounting for 15.2 million deaths in 2016 (~27% of all deaths)7
- Two-fifths of CV disease deaths in Europe are in patients under the age of 75 years (accounting for 1.4 million deaths in patients <75 years and 683,364 deaths in patients <65 years)6
- Arterial-type clots can result in MI and unstable angina (ACS events),8,9 ischaemic stroke,10 and some manifestations of PAD, such as acute limb ischaemia11
- Thrombi characteristics are an important consideration for the development of treatment/prevention strategies (i.e. anticoagulant/antiplatelet)1,2

Coronary bypass graft completely occluded by acute thrombosis (arrow)
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