Talking to Your Doctor About Heart Attack and Unstable Angina
What to expect
Once diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), your doctor will ask you certain questions and you should feel free to ask them questions too. Your doctor will likely ask you about your general lifestyle, health and diet and talk to you about adapting this to suit and benefit your heart and body during your period of recovery.
What questions to ask
What has caused my heart attack or unstable angina?
How often should I come for check-ups with my doctor?
I take other medications; how could these affect the medicines that I will now take for my ACS?
What should I do if I experience any side effects from the medications?
How long should I take the medications for?
I have other medical conditions; how could this affect my diagnosis?
What sort of exercise can I continue to do/start doing?
What are the chances of a reoccurrence of my ACS?
What are the warning signs that may mean that I am pushing myself too hard during recovery?
What should I do if I experience any of these symptoms?
When can I return to work?
What changes do I need to make to my ‘normal’ way of life?
Are changes to my diet necessary?
Are changes to my alcohol consumption necessary?
Can I continue to smoke?
Can I still have sex?
Can I go on holiday?
Can I travel by plane?
Can I drive a car?
How you might feel?
Having a heart attack or unstable angina can have an impact on both the person diagnosed with it but also on family/carers who may be worried about the health and well-being of their loved one. If you have ACS-like symptoms or have been recently diagnosed with ACS, it is understandable if you feel nervous, anxious or apprehensive about the condition.

Talking to your doctor about Heart Attack and Unstable Angina