Getting on with Life After Deep Vein Thrombosis
If you are living with DVT, there are some things you can do to manage your condition:
- Check in with your doctor regularly and have regular blood tests.
- Diet – Maintain consistent intake of leafy green vegetables as they have high vitamin K content, which can interfere with your anticoagulant treatment. Examples of foods and drinks that have high vitamin K content include spinach, Brussel sprouts, parsley, green tea, mustard greens. Always ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure.
- Exercise – Stay active, regular exercise is a great way to avoid getting another deep-vein clot. Unless you doctor advises against this. You should walk regularly after you are discharged from hospital. Walking improves circulation in the affected leg and may help to reduce your risk of further DVT.
When resting, try to raise your foot higher than your hip so gravity helps with blood flow returning from the calf. This reduces pressure in the calf veins and helps to prevent blood and fluid pooling in the calves. The easiest way to raise your leg is to recline on a sofa with your leg up on a cushion.1

Considerations for helping prevent DVT.
- Travel – When travelling on a long plane, car or train journey. You should have little walks up and down the aisle every 1-2 hours. Try to exercise your calf muscles whilst sitting in your seat. This can be done by circling your ankle or lifting your toes of the floor.2
Be aware of any bleeding, especially if it is excessive. A small injury can become a big problem if not seen to.
- York Hospital. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Warfarin [Internet]. [cited 2016 Dec 7]. Available from: York Hospital. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Warfarin [Internet]. [cited 2016 Dec 7]. Available from: Return to content
- Milton Abbas Surgery. Health Information. Deep Vein Thrombosis [Internet]. [cited 2016 Dec 7]. Available from: Milton Abbas Surgery. Health Information. Deep Vein Thrombosis [Internet]. [cited 2016 Dec 7]. Available from: Return to content