Smart Avatars


    Overview about Smart Avatars

    This interactive training tool simulates a patient consultation with different clinical challenges that need to be mastered by you. You will experience different patient cases which might progress over time – like in real life.


    Smart Avatars will help:


    • To improve your clinical knowledge
    • To practice your consultation skills
    • To reinforce health related messages
    • To receive instant feedback on your performance

    Navigation explained

    Within the Smart Avatar training, a navigation menu is available on the right side.


    Please refer to the list below to understand the meaning of each button. The upper buttons allow navigation of the Smart Avatar training, whereas the lower buttons might help you during your consultation. You can use the buttons at any time during your training session.

    Smart Avatar button next


    Proceed to the end of this consultation

    Smart Avatar button restart


    Restart your current case

    Smart Avatar button restart


    Exit case and return to the home screen of the Smart Avatar case

    Smart Avatar button language


    Select your preferred language (English, French, German)

    Smart Avatar button Educational Support Tools

    Educational Support Tools

    Materials to support the patient

    Smart Avatar button ehr

    Electronic Health Record

    Medical information on the patient

    Smart Avatar button Product information

    Product information

    Provides essential information about Xarelto®

    How to use Smart Avatars

    How to start an avatar training


    1.    In the Top Menu select the patient situation you want to train, e.g. “Learn how to counsel a patient with NVAF treated with Xarelto®


    2.    Click on one of the scenarios to start


    3.    Select your preferred language (English, French, German)

    Select language

    4.    The clinical situation will be introduced to you, click the start button


    5.    Click the start button to start the training


    6.    Green and blue text buttons:


    • Text in blue represents the options you can select to ask the patient
    Text in blue
    • Text in green boxes is what the patient is saying to you
    Text in green

           Select one of the blue options to decide how you want to proceed your consultation


    7.    At the end of your consultation you will receive instant feedback on your performance


    8.    Afterwards you have the chance to rate the Smart Avatar which would help us to improve this training tool

    Smart Avatar training for AF


    Today, you will be meet a regular patient of yours: Henry Gentle, a 67-year-old man with a well-controlled diabetes mellitus type 2 and hypertension. You need to counsel Henry on the use of his new medication Xarelto® for his newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation.


    Patient counseling is sometimes challenging. Here you have the chance to train four typical clinical situations with Henry.

    Select one of the scenarios below to start your Avatar training:

    Henry teaser

    Treat AF

    Explain to Henry how Xarelto® works including the benefits and limitations and assess whether Henry understands why he needs to take Xarelto®.

    Henry teaser

    Consider interactions

    Find out about Henry ’s co-medications and need to explain him their interactions with Xarelto® and how to manage them appropriately.

    Henry teaser

    Ensure Safety & Efficacy

    Provide information, what Henry needs to consider to ensure a safe and effective treatment with Xarelto®.

    Henry teaser

    Explain the Patient Alert Card

    Explain to Henry, what the patient card is and why he always needs to carry it.


    Smart Avatar training for CAD and PAD

    Martha block has CAD & PAD

    Today, you will meet a regular patient of yours: Martha Block, a 72-year-old woman with coronary artery disease (CAD), hyperlipidemia and hypertension. The patient has a previous history of myocardial infarction. She was implanted three drug-eluting stents and got dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) for 6 months. After discontinuation of the DAPT, she was newly prescribed Xarelto® 2,5 mg twice daily in addition to 100 mg aspirin and her standard treatment.


    Patient counseling is sometimes challenging. Here you have the chance to train three typical clinical situations with Martha. Scenario 1 (Mode of Action) is the situation mentioned above. Scenario 2 and 3 happen two and a half year after scenario 1.

    Select one of the scenarios below to start your Avatar training:

    Martha has CAD and PAD Mode of Action

    Mode of Action

    Explain Martha, how Xarelto® works and assess whether Martha understands why and how she needs to take Xarelto® in addition to her other medication to ensure a safe and effective treatment.

    Martha has CAD and PAD Interactions


    Two and a half year later: Martha has three drug eluting stents for three years and is known for poor adherence. Fortunately, she was able to quit smoking a few weeks ago after having smoked one pack per day for 25 years. In this part of the consultation, you need to consulut Martha about her co-medications and their interactions with Xarelto®.

    Martha has CAD and PAD Efficacy & Safety

    Efficacy & Safety

    Two and a half year later: Martha has three drug eluting stents for three years and is known for poor adherence. Fortunately, she was able to quit smoking a few weeks ago after having smoked one pack per day for 25 years. In this part of the consultation, you will explain to Martha what she needs to do to ensure a safe and effective treatment with Xarelto®.
